Tuesday, November 15, 2011

museum day:

Well, a little embarrassing I let my "domain name" expire and didn't know it! If anyone was attempting
to go to my blog they were being directed somewhere else.  Then when I realized what
happened-I spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out how to just have
a regular blogspot.com address again.  It turned out it wasn't very hard to get the blogspot
address back once I found out where to look.  I don't even know why I got a domain name
to begin with-so, just be warned if you decide to go the domain name route.


Visiting the museum is one of my favourite things to do and especially when it involves
Dutch art.  I LOVE it!
These are just some of the paintings from the Rose-Marie and Eijk Van Otterloo Collection

by gerrit dou

by heyden

by rembrandt

Gerrit Dou is one of my favourite Dutch painters, but there is just something about
Rembrandt whose paintings just come to life and stand out from all others.
He was so advanced from his contemporaries its difficult to understand
that financially he was not well off....its a little sad.